Friday, December 13, 2019

Words of Wisdom: Creating Books

There are many different types of books that can be created in a social studies classroom:

1. Pop-up books: the students can create a classroom pop-up book with important vocabulary for each unit that is taught. Each student can pick one vocabulary term and create a fun and creative page. The students have to create clues so that others can guess what the term is, which makes them think about the definition in a different way then they normally would. When all of the pages are created by the students, the book can be binded together or glued to create a book for the class library. The students can look at this book whenever they want to and feel proud in what they have accomplished while learning vocabulary terms.

2.Flip books and flap books: folding paper is more exciting that a worksheet and can help the students feel creative while in social studies class. There are multiple ways for students can fold the paper and incorporate vocabulary terms. Let the students get creative and draw on the flaps to give them a visual way to remember the vocabulary terms.

3. ABC books: After completing a unit, the students can generate an alphabetical list of the most important words that they learned. Have students go back through their notes and worksheets and come up with the most important words. This can be done as an individual project, a group project, or a classroom project. Each vocabulary term needs to corrects to a letter in the alphabet and then create a page explaining what the term means. This can include a definition, a fun fact, a person, and/or a drawing. Let the student's get creative with it and then display the books in the classroom library.

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