Friday, December 13, 2019

Teach what both you and the students find interesting

Social studies can be considered boring by students because it has already happened in the past and does not effect their current life. Most of the people in history are already dead or the events happened hundreds of years ago, so why should the students care?
As an educator, you need to make the students feel passionate and excited about social studies however you can. This means getting to know the students and what they find interesting and incorporating it into your lessons. This may make more work for the teacher, but it is so important in helping with classroom engagement and learning.
Every student will have some aspect of history that they are interested in, and it is important to somehow incorporate it into the standards and curriculum set by the state and your school district. If you cannot teach the particular interest within the class, make sure to give student the access to different resources that can help them learn about this topic! This could be a video, a movie, a website, or a book in the classroom or school library. Fostering interest in social studies does not mean that the students have to be interested in what the teacher is teaching 24/7, but can have an interest in social studies as a whole.

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