Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Celebration of Learning Wrap-Up Event

Image result for celebration of learning

This was our last class experience with our fieldwork students, so we decided to throw a "Celebration of Learning" party. We had the chance to take a break from all of the hard work that we as a class put in over the course of the semester and have fun. The activities that we completed during our celebration of learning day allowed us to connect with the students on a more personal level than before.

One of the activities that we did was "Walk the Carpet" on GoNoodle. I had learned about GoNoodle during a conference in Virginia at a session about behavior management and different tools you can use. This was the main tool discussed. GoNoodle has the purpose of giving the students a break from the classroom learning and an opportunity to get up and move. The game that we played in particular had students walking the red carpet trying to avoid objects that are in the way. Students can duck, jump, dodge left, dodge right, and strike a pose. These dances not only help a student take a break and mentally refocus but also improves their athleticism and gross motor abilities.

The next activity that we did was Heads Up, 7-Up, which is a game that I used to love when I was there age. The students and teachers were able to interact with us on a more personal and friendly level. We shared laughs as a group and overall improved our relationships with them. After playing some rounds, we ended our time in the classroom by giving the students certificates and globe stress balls as presents.
Overall, I loved my fieldwork experience at this elementary school. I felt like I was able to connect to a whole classroom of children which was a new experience for me as I usually work one-on-one or within a small group. I now feel more prepared to build relationships with my own students in the future!

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